Simple Life

‘Simplify’. This is the statement i have decided to adopt.

Life is hectic and fast paced, so much to do, buy and see…. No time to breathe, pause or just enjoy the moment?! Modern life enables us to have everything on demand. We can buy things with a click of a button, visit anywhere in the world and have exposure to so many new experiences. All fantastic you think but this creates a want, a ‘need’ for more, often leaving us stressed out and dissatisfied. That is how i feel anyway.

I think with Christmas looming, kids endlessly reminding me of their long present list and the culinary excess that comes with it, I am feeling slightly overwhelmed. Loosing sight of the things that really matter; people and time spent with them. So this year we are ‘Keeping It Simple”!


SIMPLE  – my new rules….

  • Cook –  easy to prepare meals with minimal ingredients.
  • Avoid buying unnecessary extras.
  • Be Organised – Plan ahead. Be realistic. Don’t try to fit too much into the day (easier said than done!)
  • Pause to appreciate what i have, rather than focusing on what i ‘need’ / ‘want’.
  • Ignore what others are doing. (The competitive side of me does not like to be out done! Hard for me to admit. I know i gain nothing from this and am trying v hard to let it go this year…)


Christmas will be fun!



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