The Secret to Living a Long (and Happy) Life

Extreme lack of sleep leads me to write this post. My lovely little girl has been suffering from flu and a hacking cough, which seems to be particularly bad at night! Husband away and Matilda has become a permanent feature in my bed. Propped up beside me, coughing directly into my face! I have much sympathy but today i am sleep deprived and considerably grumpy. School Xmas fete on Friday, for which i am supposed to bake Gluten Free cakes (i confess, not Sugar Free), making bird costume for sons Nativity Play and preparing for visitors. Whoopee…. what happened to that carefree drunken run up to Christmas? Miss those days…. Anyway, i  digress.

Whilst unable to sleep last night, i read an article about the ‘Blue Zones’. Ever heard of these? Well i hadn’t. They are the five areas in the world where people live the longest with many members of their communities living well past 100. I wanted to know their secret and to discover if there are any little adaptations i can make to our diet and lifestyle to increase on longevity (and happiness). Check out this website for more info.

The research Concluded that, ‘People in the Blue Zones nurture strong social networks, consume a plant-based diet, eat in moderation and incorporate daily, natural physical activity into their lives’.


The researchers found 9 common factors in these communities.

In summary, have purpose, eat a diet heavy in beans and pulses, eat only until 80% full, belong and put loved ones first. These factors struck a chord with me. They are the simple building blocks of life but ones that modern society is so far removed from. This also fits well into my philosophy of ‘simplifying life’.

1. Keep food simple. Natural, plant based ingredients. I am focusing on beans, veg and nuts.

2. ‘Family’ and ‘Friends’. That is where you get your sense of belonging and worth.

3. Walk everyday – relieves stress, keeps you fit and provides thinking time!

This is what i’m gonna do….. maybe i will live to 100 too but perhaps i need to cut down on the drinking and smoking first…… Note to self…. red wine with food, good. White wine, no food, bad! x



One+Eight – the pots –

Well, not only am i developing a new range of bags, i have been working with a close friend of mine on a collection of Porcelain bowls and pots. This little sideline came about from a pottery course we both attended….. as an excuse to slope off on a Friday morning for a gossip and relief from the pressures of daily life! What do you think?


Jeannett and I founded ‘One & Eight’ (cockney rhyming slang for ‘plate’) about a year ago. The talented Jeannett is also the owner of Check out her beautiful cards and prints.


 This is what we say 

With six children between them and a shared love of all things grey, Jeannett and Susie’s long-term friendship evolved into an exciting business venture in 2012. Their interest in Porcelain and its unique properties, combined with a desire to produce a minimalist yet aesthetically pleasing dinnerware set led to the formation of One + Eight.

The individual pieces are made using a slip casting technique, whereby the porcelain is tinted at the slip stage to produce a variety of shades of grey. Clear glaze is then applied to the interior of each piece, creating unique yet functional tableware.

This handmade range fits equally well across minimalist modern and traditional environments.

Website under construction but please contact me if you are interested in purchasing any of these pieces. x

Simple Life – Personalised Leaves

My children attended an outdoor adventure club this summer and came home with these on the final day. They have been on display in my kitchen ever since. Today i thought i would frame them as they remind me of the great (and diverse) qualities my children possess (and sometimes i really do need reminding!!).


So simple, but a beautiful present for someone close to you. x

Simple Life

‘Simplify’. This is the statement i have decided to adopt.

Life is hectic and fast paced, so much to do, buy and see…. No time to breathe, pause or just enjoy the moment?! Modern life enables us to have everything on demand. We can buy things with a click of a button, visit anywhere in the world and have exposure to so many new experiences. All fantastic you think but this creates a want, a ‘need’ for more, often leaving us stressed out and dissatisfied. That is how i feel anyway.

I think with Christmas looming, kids endlessly reminding me of their long present list and the culinary excess that comes with it, I am feeling slightly overwhelmed. Loosing sight of the things that really matter; people and time spent with them. So this year we are ‘Keeping It Simple”!


SIMPLE  – my new rules….

  • Cook –  easy to prepare meals with minimal ingredients.
  • Avoid buying unnecessary extras.
  • Be Organised – Plan ahead. Be realistic. Don’t try to fit too much into the day (easier said than done!)
  • Pause to appreciate what i have, rather than focusing on what i ‘need’ / ‘want’.
  • Ignore what others are doing. (The competitive side of me does not like to be out done! Hard for me to admit. I know i gain nothing from this and am trying v hard to let it go this year…)


Christmas will be fun!



Up-Cycling – Old Roof Slates to Blackboards

These old roof slates have been sitting on our drive for over a year! Didn’t want to throw them away. In fact, i used one to chalk up a drinks menu for a recent party. That go me thinking…. I have wanted a blackboard in the kitchen for some time but never found ‘the right thing’. Why buy one when you can make one?!


Old Slates Gathering LeavesSlates To Be Cleaned

The Final Thing - Slate Chalk Board Up-Cycled

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3
1. Clean slates

2. Paint with blackboard paint

3. Attach rope though existing holes (where slate had been attached to roof).

I have decorated mine with a bit of white paint, but not necessary. As you can see, i have three. One for each child.


I plan to Christmasify them with a bit of gold paint. Will post pics when done! Probably on 24th Dec knowing me!

Not sure the other members of my family are so happy with the new additions to our kitchen. Keep leaving ’em chores and reminders!

The Bags

The Concept – The Collection.

So, the bags, my business, my baby…two& The concept and collection has evolved over the past few months, from an idea, to sketches, to professional technical drawings, to a collection. Whoo hoo! Can’t say it’s been easy. Finances are tight, work is squeezed between childcare duties, lots of early mornings (before kids wake) and late nights (after they have gone to bed) but it’s worth it. Bags are my passion. I have had a desire to do this for a long while but circumstances have prevented it. This is my time and I am grabbing the opportunity with both hands.

Keeping the full details a little under wraps but I have a mission statement. Recently pulled together, I kinda like it. You?

‘Mission Statement’

Range combines fashion and utility, in well constructed, simple styles that transition seamlessly from season to season and from day to night.


Always looking for the perfect leather bag? That was me. There have been many, but never the perfect one. I have kept all the bags I have loved over the years and it is these that have provided the inspiration for my new range. There is also a twist… something special about each one! I am interested in the interplay of style and function. Simplicity is the key. Us ladies have got an image to maintain and a great bag can lift any outfit. That’s what I think anyway.

This whole thing is moving forward…. Getting excited. Samples currently being made!






Making Changes

“Mum, ever since you came back from Australia you have been feeding us weird food…. I’m not sure i like it.”

This was my sons’ comment to me the other day. The child who suffers from Coeliacs Disease. The one who will benefit most from our diet overhaul and the one who is resisting! For those that have not read any of my other posts i will recap….. A couple of months ago i visited a friend in Australia where a chanced upon a book called ‘i quit sugar’, written by her fiancés sister. The more i read, the more i realised that even though my family were adhering to a Gluten Free diet, where i cooked most meals from scratch, i had compensated for the things they were missing out on by providing them with sugary treats and encouraging them to snack on a lot of dried fruit. All ok in moderation…… but the sugar levels (esp fructose) were stacking up and the effect were showing! So why are these natural fruits sugars bad i hear you ask? Not sure… would have been my answer a few weeks ago but now i can tell you – Click to for an explanation – What is Fructose? About 6 weeks ago i removed sugar from my diet completely, which left me grumpy, tired and irritable. I think i have come out the other side. It has been hard going but definitely worth it. I no longer suffer stomach bloating, my skin is clearer and i do not get that mid afternoon energy crash and fogginess. I have taken a much more moderate approach with the kids. My cooking at home is Gluten and Sugar free but i am not strict when visiting other peoples houses or at parties etc. That would be far too much hard work for me and upsetting for the kids! I’m all for keeping things simple!


So, picture my day. Saturday morning 6.30am. Already been woken by each of my children during the night. Sun just rising and the kids already bickering. Settle them in front of TV and sneak back to bed for an hour. Two cups of coffee down, an early morning yoga class and i’m ready to tackle the day. Grey and stormy outside and a house full of kids…. definitely a day for cooking and plenty of tiny taste testers on hand! Still focusing on breakfast recipes. High protein, low sugar, for a good start to the day. Also been thinking about breakfast options for ‘on the go’. If you are anything like us, morning is a rush and breakfast doesn’t always get the time it deserves. My daughter isn’t really ready to eat for a while after she gets up and often ends up snacking in the car on the way to preschool. I want to improve on the ‘fall back’ peanut butter sandwich! With the Granola a success, i have moved on to thinking about Granola Bars and now that the mornings are getting colder, something warm inside their tummies first thing really helps, so a – quick cooked breakfast – seems like a good idea. Cooking whilst surrounded by four wild kids and with a couple of ‘little helpers’ was not an easy task. It came with some success but was unfortunately matched by a level of failure! Lets start with the good – Ham n Eggs – Breakfast Muffin. Recipe in next post. Btw – managed to make a few meals and treats this weekend that my son approved of. Not sure if his tastes are changing and he is not craving the sugar as much of if my ‘Sugar Free’ cooking skills are improving?! Been meaning to mention photography and images – This is the element of my blog that is causing me some anguish. Have absolutely no understanding of my camera and how to take a ‘good shot’. The ideas are there but finding it hard to get results. Am trying to learn fast. Watching youtube videos and reading round the subject of product photography, so bear with me…. please. Images will improve. Promise. x

Granola – The Recipe


Since becoming Gluten Free, I have tried a number of Granola recipes, as the bought varieties are often very sweet and expensive! It has taken a while, a bit of testing and advice from friends, relatives and most importantly the kids but we think this is the one! It is crunchy, not too sweet and contains a great mix of nutritious nuts and grains. Add dried fruit if you like or just use up some of your store cupboard ingredients. My new addition…. taken from the Granola recipe in the ‘I quit Sugar’ book is coconut shavings. For me, dried fruit is out but the coconut adds that extra texture and sweetness i was looking for. The kids love em. My three year old daughter can even make this Granola, she eats the leftover mixture from the bowl just like you would a cake!



We eat ours with a big dollop of Greek Yogurt on the top for breakfast. The kids snack on it as an alternative to biscuits or sprinkle it on a bowl of yogurt as an after dinner pudding treat. Try it and tell me how your family eat theirs!


I have given measurements in cups for the dry ingredients as this is how i have always made it but if you plan to use your scales. The general conversion is; for dry ingredients.

 1 cup = 150 – 200g.

 There is no need to be exact when making this Granola. I often just pour in Whatever i have in the cupboard, a handful here, a handful there! Just go with it, experiment to find your perfect mix!




  • 2 cups rolled oats. (we use the washed gluten free variety). If you are not able to eat these try using quinoa flakes)
  • 1/4 cup whole raw almonds & cashew nuts (or any nuts you like)
  • 3/4 cup raw buckwheat
  • 3/4 cup sunflower & pumpkin seeds
  • 1 cup coconut flakes


  • 80g Coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoon honey or Rice Malt Syrup (this is an alternative to honey that i  use as i am off the sugar, more about that later!)
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Essence



  • Preheat oven to 120 c. Cooking time 40 mins.
  • Line baking tray with baking paper
  • Combine all dry ingredients in bowl, except coconut flakes
  • Melt Coconut oil (either in microwave for a few seconds or on hob).
  • Mix in rest of wet ingredients
  • Combine with dry ingredients
  • Spread evenly on baking tray
  • Cook for 20 mins
  • Mix and turn. Add coconut flakes.
  • Cook for further 20 mins.
  • I like mine crunchy so sometimes cook for a further 5 – 10 mins!
  • Leave to cool. The Granola should be nicely browned, crunchy and ready to eat!
  • Store in airtight container. I use a glass jar. Am guessing it would keep for a few weeks…. Can’t be sure as ours has NEVER lasted that long!

Enjoy x



This Is How We Roll…..


Snippets of Summer

This is how we roll….


Nice Pear!




It wasn’t all sunshine…. there were definitely showers too.




Guess who?




Camping Trip….. early morning walk on the beach.


The Box Train

All aboard the Box Train




No way back…..



 The day after the night before!


We had lots of fun this summer. Felt privileged to live by the coast. Time to embrace Autumn. Lovin being in the kitchen… cooking up a storm!!

Coeliac Disease – The Way We Eat Now

We Way We Eat Now…..


Making the most of what you have is the philosophy I try to follow. The old adage is true, you come out of the tough times stronger and wiser so I try to make sure I take away something positive from situations and experiences that are upsetting or testing. Easier said than done sometimes. The most recent thing we have faced is the identification of Coeliac Disease running in the family.  This is a condition where the body cannot tolerate gluten and is lifelong, with the only treatment being exclusion of Gluten from diet. The symptoms are varied and range from bloating, severe tummy pain, sickness, fatigue, joint ache and weight loss but there are many others. The condition is actually fairly common but diagnosis can be difficult and take many years.


Excluding Gluten from the diet is not easy as it is present in most grains and cereals and a hidden ingredient in many processed foods. The western diet is heavily focused on bread, cereal, pasta etc, and this was the case in our house. As I ran through the average days meals in my head I was panicked by the fact that nearly every one contained gluten in some form. The task that lay ahead seemed huge and slightly overwhelming but not one to be put off by a challenge I set about overhauling our diet.

 I went a little crazy and over the top at first…… having read all the information I could lay my hands on… I threw out all flour, bread, breakfast cereals containing wheat, barley etc, soya sauce, fish fingers, sausages, the toaster…. The list is endless. Then I cleaned the cupboards, bought new chopping boards and ran the pans through a hot cycle in the dishwasher. Exhausted, I realised I needed to restock but with what!!! Arghhhhh.

So it’s ok for me to go ‘Gluten Free’, I eat salad, pulses, grains and vegetables but for my 6 year old son it was not going to be so easy. I fight to get any fruit past his lips and his vegetable consumption consists of broccoli, carrots and corn on the cob. First loves are pizza, spaghetti bolognaise, apple crumble and he is more than partial to a slice of cake! I was going to have to be clever, inventive and become a good cook!

This was nearly a year ago. We have come a long way. But hey, I am a busy Mum with 3 kids and want to enjoy life. I don’t have time to soak pulses, prepare meals that take 3 hours and my kids are still relatively fussy. I like to keep meals simple, fun and tasty. My confidence in cooking Gluten free meals, cakes, deserts and snacks has grown but eating out can be a challenge, particularly for my son. Birthday parties, going to tea at friends’ houses, holidays etc.  I now have strategies to make these situations as hassle free as possible and more importantly ensure that my son has fun, does not feel different or excluded and eats yummy food. Educating him about Coeliac Disease has been important so he can make gluten free choices for himself!